14 Best Low Maintenance Small Dog Breeds
Small but sturdy, Bichon Frise is a low maintenance small dog breeds. They are cheerful and felicitous dog, naturally gentle, co-operative and playful dog, it loves positive activities rather wandering or idle in yard. Minimal or non-shedder, this breed needs clipping and trimming periodically for better grooming. Additionally, Bichons are ………
Packet of affection and love Yorkshire Terriers are broad personalities packed in low maintenance small dog breeds size. Although toy breed, this animal holds all determinant, inquisitive, investigative, and energetic traits of terriers. A distinguished but long shiny coat is….
Toy dogs, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are true spaniel at heart. They are gundogs to accompany hunter in fields besides their admiration in family as comprehensive loving, gentle and sweet house pet. The breed………..
The cheerful and intelligent family companion, Pomeranian dogs are small-sized, highly energetic, active, lively and alert dogs. They extremely love and care towards their families, remain touched with and eager to please the owner. They feel………
Shih Tzu breed is made of love and devotion, the dog is a perfect housemate and preferred travel companion. They are lively and energetic small dogs, well mannered and adaptable to a wide variety of families. Shih Tzu remains devoted to family, eager to ………..
Ever ready to accept adventures and challenges, Dachshund is daring and fearless breed. They love to dig excessively, and hunt targets of opportunity by tracking with scent of quarry. Dachshunds are independent but join their family activities…
Truly an active and playful family companion, the Pug is a small dog. It is a compact and cheerful family member. The breed is very attentive and sharp. They love to entertain the family, keep them laughing and enjoying with their naughty tricks. They are family dogs and are much suited for ………
French bulldog is a jester and a lap dog. It takes pleasure to entertain its family and to play, cuddling and snoozing with favorite individual as well. French bulldogs not only willing to please but also………
A hunter by instinct, Beagle is popular for its companion-ability, loyalty and affection, highly attractive by its cleanliness, easy to groom coat with a variety of color textures besides its physical strength and agility. Its happy mindset results in hand-shaking………
Bulldogs are famous for holding strong bonding with family, affectionate touch with children and cooperative with pets. It displays great loyalty and trust to owner with inquisitive trait to strangers, thus classified as perfect watchdog. This clean and shining……………
On the base of its extreme devotion to a single individual Chihuahua has earned fame as favoured toy dog. It is good with other pets and household dogs but reserved with strangers. Although, some endeavor to be protective but they’re………..
Ideal family pet, Standard Poodle is most fabulous and cheerful dog. Standard Poodle is a unique dog in competitive obedience, able to carry out variety of tasks on ground and in waters. As compared to its smaller variants, the Standard Poodle is calm, gentle and a little low of energy. The breed is ……….
The Maltese is a lapdog with long hairs around its body. Its look is pretty and too charming to attract the viewer. It is energetic and challenging natured dog, love to run and play with family members. It is toy like animal accepted by all family members. The dog is eager to please and get involved in…………
Boston terrier is sensitive and devoted to the owner’s moods and yearn. They are decorous indoors but naughty and playful (particularly get pleasure from ball chasing) whenever opportunity availed. Rather stubborn…………
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