Lhasa Apso Overview

Lhasa Apso Information | |
Name | Lhasa Apso |
Other Name | Tibet Lhasa, Tibet Lhasa lion dog, Tibet dog Yabusu |
Origin | Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Tibetan |
Build Type | Small |
Life Cycle | 12-16 years |
Group | Non-Sporting |
Character | Playful, Friendly, Lively, Spirited, Obedient, Energetic, Intelligent |
Height | Male:10-13 inches Female: 09-12 inches |
Weight | Male:11-15 pounds Female: 10-14 pound |
Color | Black, Brown, Dark Grizzle, Golden, Honey, Sandy,White |
Average price | 600 US$ |
Qualities | |
Good with Kids | ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ |
Child Friendly | ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ |
Cat Friendly | ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ |
Dog Friendly | ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ |
Trainability | ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ |
Shedding | ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ |
Watchdog | ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ |
Intelligence | ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ |
Grooming | ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ |
Popularity | ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ |
Adaptability | ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ |
Hypoallergenic | No |
Lhasa Apso is very small dog but contains a bundle of the cleverness. Regardless its appearance of a lap-dog, it holds strong energy and toughness. It is confident to operate alone in any circumstances. It is aggressive towards other dogs, strangers and other animals. It is friendly for the owner and his family members and love to remain in their vicinity. It has adventurous nature and keeps on doing new search.
The Lhasa Apso is a little larger then a normal sized cat with great energy. This is non-sport breed and was originally developed to safeguard the house or farms. The head is fully covered with long hairs and rest of the body is also hairy in straight angle. Look is sheep like, sometimes lion like. Heavy coat is long and hard expressing dignity. The gait is free, lively and watchful. Contrary to its size, Lhasa Apso can run quite rapidly and bark as loud as of a larger size dog may not be able to express.
This breed is named after its origin ‘Lhasa’, the capital of Tibet. The breed has the historic evidences in Himalayan Mountains hundreds of years ago. Initially it was bred as an internal sentry in the Buddhist monasteries, to alert the monks to any intruders who entered in the area. Symbol of sacredness, this breed considered as the element of luck and many personnel adapted these to attain the favor of the fortune. Some ethical belief was that, if owner pass away, the soul is transferred to Lhasa Apso dog and regains the life. The Buddhists were possessive towards this breed, as a result the breed was not commonly found. In 1933, Mr. C. Suydam Cutting, introduced the dog to USA for the first time as a present from 13th Dalai Lama. It was adopted as tradition to present this dog to foreign dignitaries on their visit to Tibet. Again in 1920s the Lhasa Apso presented to England and the breed became famous in USA in 1930. AKC recognized the dog in 1935 for the first time. The breed is lively and daring and can reactive on its self initiation. They were used as the perfect guard dogs, present watchdogs.
This breed is polite with family members and pleases to spend and enjoy time with them. It is loyal and trustworthy towards the owner, it is territorial and dominating. It is of small size but courage is at its peak. It is fearless against its opponent regardless of his size. The loudness of its bark is quite impressing, a large sized dog cannot achieve this loudness for warning alarm, sometimes and the person would not believe the sound is coming from this small dog. This is an imperial-looking dog and is a fast friend of the owner and worst enemy for intruder.
Naturally the breed is intelligent and self sufficient full of bravery and confidence, however, its small size is exposed to harm when mishandled.
Top 50 Dog Breeds
Initially they may be shy or unsure during their puppy life, but adult Lhasa Apso never hesitate in investigation and exploring. They became familiar to atmosphere and did not respond to the routine voices and noises, however, these are high ear sensitive and can detect unusual sound even of a very weak strength. Louder barking may be considered as the disadvantage of the breed, but, as the application is in concern, that is not true, they do not bark excessively, infect they bark only on detection of any suspect. The phase of socialization can set some level of moderateness in them.
The Lhasa Apso is joyous companion both inside the house and as well as during travelling. Lapdog sized, this breed does not make any problem in traveling. They offer loyalty and faithfulness towards the owner and seek affection in return.
Owner Should Know
- The Lhasa Apso is self sufficient dog, they do not need your instructions.
- This dog can dominate the master, if master is weak in handling.
- They make a good watch dog due to their natural aggressiveness; however, you can housetrain to fit to family life.
- The rate of maturity is slow for Lhasa Apso, you need not to hurry, the average life span is about 14 to 16 years.
- The coat is productive enough, you need to shed at least twice a year and brush daily to avoid any infections.
- It needs attention towards dental problems, as these are common to this breed. Experts should be consulted for brushing the teeth.
- Being the family companion, you need to accept the puppies which are healthy and disease free. Ensure regular clinical checkups.
- Never buy puppies from back door supplier, always seek for reputed breeder to buy this breed.
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