Arthritis in Dogs: Safe Herbal Cures to Comfort a Dog

Arthritis in dogs will significantly change your activities with your dog because she’s in so much pain she can’t go on walks and no longer jumps high enough to catch a frisbee or chase her favorite ball… even worse you may have to carry your dog up and down stairs and clean up her piddles and poops because sometimes she’s not always able to make it outside to do her business, and you may have spent lots of money on physical therapy to help your dog reduce her joint stiffness and pain.
This health brief gives you a choice of essential oils, herbs and anti-inflammatory food to help reduce your dog’s arthritic pain and swelling so she’s more comfortable, plus herbs typically have no side effects. It’s possible you may also reduce your dog health expenses with herbal solutions.
Arthritis in Dogs: Overview of Canine Arthritis
Prevent Structural Damage & Repair Tissue around Joints
Structural damage – Arthritis weakens your dog’s bones and causes joint inflammation. Sadly, your dog’s structural damage can’t be corrected with supplements, food or prescription drugs. The same is true for people. Scar tissue, calcium deposits and torn cartilage can continue to give your arthritic dog discomfort for the rest of her life.
Inflammation – The key to reduce your dog’s pain from arthritis is to reduce inflammation which will help your dog’s body to repair and strengthen tissues surrounding her joints.
5 Topical Herbal Remedies for Arthritis Relief
Choose 1 of these 5 essential oils or herbs to help relieve your dog’s muscle aches, inflammation and joint pain.
1. Arnica – Rub arnica gel or cream directly into your dog’s skin 3-Arthritis in Dogs4 times daily to naturally relieve inflammation and stiffness.
2. Eucalyptus Oil – Mix 50/50 eucalyptus oil and coconut oil and massage it into your dog’s skin around her hips and knees for relief from the pain of arthritis in dogs.
3. Hemp Seed Oil – You can apply hemp seed oil on your dog’s skin daily to reduce inflammation and promote healthy cellular growth. Hemp seed oil goes deeper into your dog’s skin than other oils which only coat the surface of her skin.
4. Lemon Juice – A 50/50 mixture of lemon juice and green tea applied to your dog’s arthritic joints can help reduce inflammation and ward off ticks and fleas.
5. Peppermint – Dilute peppermint oil with coconut oil and rub it into your dog’s skin around the areas of her arthritis. Peppermint can numb the pain of arthritis in dogs to comfort her, and it may give your dog enough relief to increase her flexibility.
Anti-Inflammatory Food to Help Reduce the Pain of Arthritis
· Diet – Eliminate processed foods and switch your dog to a diet of grass-fed meats. Ingredients in packaged dog food can cause inflammation in your dog’s joints.
· Fats – Add Omega-3 to balance your dog’s fats in her diet. Omega-3 lubricates your dog’s joints and helps to reduce inflammation.
· Antioxidants – You can add foods loaded with antioxidants to further reduce your dog’s inflammation. Wild blueberries, cranberries and goji berries give your dog high amounts of vitamin E, C and beta-carotene. Add a pinch of these herbs in your dog’s food every day for additional antioxidant power: basil, cinnamon, ginger, oregano or parsley.
Note: Check with your veterinarian before you give vaccinations, steroids and prescription drugs to your arthritic dog because the side Arthritis in Dogs effects could lead to joint damage, gastric ulcers or liver and kidney problems.
Now you can choose 1 of these 5 herbal remedies for your dog’s arthritis to reduce inflammation and eliminate her aches and pains.
I hope you received some great tips from reading this post on arthritis in dogs. I’d love to hear your feedback, so make sure you leave a comment below with your thoughts or questions.
Share this article with your friends and family so they can take better care of their dog and prevent harm if they have a dog that shows aggressive behavior. You can always depend on the best dog health strategies from enchantingpets.
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