My Thoughts on Pitbulls
Full information about Pitbull Dog

Pit Bull Myths
Myth: Pit Bulls jaws lock when they bite.
This is completely false. Yes they have strong jaw muscles but they do not lock! Have you ever noticed the shape of a Pit Bull’s head? The head has enormous muscles that give them the ability to bite down and hold pretty much anything including a freight train (note: I do not think has been proven in testing). Yes, they are strong but there is no locking mechanism that prevents them from letting go.
Myth: Pit Bulls are more likely to bite than other breeds.
Nope, once again false – here’s the deal banana peel: Pit Bulls are terriers (American Pit Bull Terrier, Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, and the Staffordshire Bull Terrier). All terriers were originally bred to kill something – mice, rats, and other vermin. By the way, Jack Russells are also terriers – just saying. Pits also have bully breeds in them and you know what bully breeds do? They give kisses that’s what they do. In other words Pit Bulls are nothing but sweet affectionate terriers.
This myth has been made popular because of the Pit Bull’s strong jaw muscles – when a Pit Bull bites someone you hear about it. However, way more Jack Russells bite people then Pit Bulls.

More About Pit Bulls
Many people are not aware that Pit Bulls are very sensitive. It is always a huge surprise to people the first time they own a Pit and realize how sensitive they can be.
The biggest problem for Pit Bulls are the myths listed above. These stereotypes kill more Pits then anything else. The Pit Bull stereotype causes people to fear them as soon as they see one. The result of that fear is nervousness when around one. The dog feels that fear and may get on edge due to the confusion.
What really makes me sad is that even people in the dog field (like some trainers, for example) buy in to the stereotype. This just reaffirms the public anti Pit Bull campaign and does more damage.
New-born pitbull puppies
New-born puppies – they are born blind and deaf. The air trumpets open when they are 12-16 days old. It coincides with the beginning to see. The basic thing you have to take care after the littering has passed normal is feeding the mother with a high-quality food (meat, oatmeal porridge with milk or bouillon. The high-quality food makes the abundant and the nourishing food. If the milk is abundant you will have no problems and you’ll start feeding up at the 21-28 day. These are the days when the first milk-teeth appear and spinning the young dogs hurt their mother. Detach her after every feeding or prepare a pen. Don’t put any water container for the puppies. If it is full they might get wet , if it is empty they might hurt themselves. The time for the start of feeding up is relatively. You have to follow the principle – the sated dogs sleep, the hungry ones whine and are nervous (anxious).Professional breeders in England let the mother suckles 3-4 months and parallel with that feed up the dogs. If you have Kennel when the weather is cold water the puppies at home with cool water. Don’t leave the water outside when is cold. You breed the dogs following the rules until they become one and a half years old.
Pitbull puppies
Pitbull puppies – At the very day of taking pitbulls specify the birthdate and after that the real age of the pitbull puppy. You sure have to understand which has been the last day the puppy had suckled. this information is especially important. Whi is it like that? The minimum age for the first vaccination is 48-50 days. Don’t ever do that if you have any doubt that the dog is younger than 48 days. The mother’s milk contains antibody which action is about 30 days. Choose the right place for pitbull puppy. The corridor is unsuitable. There’s draught in it and the shoes stay there. You have to be equiped with a powerful disinfecting preparation. If you have any other pets don’t let them go to pitbull puppy. In the case that both mother and generation are at home and you have to take her out for a walk, when you’re going to get back wipe her body with a towel soaked with some disinfectant. Wipe the mother’s chest some times with a wet towel. When 30 days pass take the puppy to a vet to give it the first vaccine. Take your bottles after that.It has to be written D (Destemper) and P ( Parvovirozis). These two diseases are lethal. After the vaccine is gived you have to observe the vet’s advices very strictly. Don’t ever buy vaccines from accidental offices.
With patience and love you teach the pitbull to walk haltered. Dont drag and pull it. Its neck is delicate and you may break it. Through the first thee weeks hold the dog all the time haltered while you actively walk it. The helter is the link which transfers your subconscious and conscious intentions and feelings. They goes in the both directions. The communication is mutual.If you build this connection with the dog it’ll be for life.
Pitbull Dog Health
The pitbull is growing so it is natural its wish to insert everything it sees into its mouth. It’s your duty to foresee everything. From cables, with electricity going through, and bottles full of solvent to soap and coins spilled over the floor .

Pitbull dogs – The pitbull is growing so it is natural its wish to insert everything it sees into its mouth. It’s your duty to foresee everything. From cables, with electricity going through, and bottles full of solvent to soap and coins spilled over the floor . A moment will come when you’ll see that the dog sprinkles hair, “getting bold”. Attention! You must react immediately. The pitbull is the most energetic dog in the world , with enormous outburst of energy and quick metabolism. The usual walks are not enough and if we add this to the first and being bedridden at home it would make you big troubles connected with the health of the dog.
Seeing the plucking You right now have to start removing the superfluous goat’s hair through rubbing down with wet hands as in the same time tear it all over the body. It means – ears, eyes, forehead, cheeks, paws – front and posterior parts of the body. In the dead, but still at their places hairs a suitable for bacteriums environment has formed. Separating from the bacterium’s toxins , as the packing of dust make the goat’s hair felted and not airy. The skin of the pitbull first alergilize sharp, and later on chronicle. Аt the very first itch the dog stars to lighten it with its nails, pushes microbes in the wounded place and opens the “road” to the secondary infection. The skin cracks and lymph and blood start bleeding from it. Periodically it is covered with scabs. Continuing the scratching they did integrate into thousands of pieces. Going to the vet is inevitably and you start wasting i big sums of money. The suppositions are unbelievable – from demodecos ticks to coming across once for million years inborn genetic diseases. But there’s a way out – a natural treatment with high costing medicaments and procedures. The result of my wide knowing people I came across about 30 dogs with problems similar to these. With a diagnose-Demodecoza – with awful inflammations over their bodies in spite of the treating. Some vets maintained that the inbreeding had predisposed the pitbull to skin’s and other diseases. When the pitbull has appeared and when they succeeded to make these conclusions? The indiscriminate breeding leads to dogs having or predisposing to different sicknesses and deformations. It is about and the pitbull too, but for the difference of the other races, its sporting life has purified it. Hunting rapaciousness, fighting at the arenas, the tests and probations have removed its natural defects.
Pitbull dog Aggression
Aggression – Evoking the aggressiveness and instinct for offence appear at a different for Avery pitbull age. At typical for their race dogs it is between the 4-th and the 8-th month. The aggressiveness to people usually appears through the same period but after the 5-th-6-th month. If you don’t want to peunprepeared and to see helpless the incidents happening with your pitbull you have to prepare and use the following accessories. Short halter from alpinist’s rope with length about 55-65 sm and gauge 1.5-2 sm. The short halter could be a chain with a grip made of piece of fur attached to it. Long halter with length about 2.5-3 m and gauge 1.5sm.Аdjust The free ends of the halters for clups through which you to be able to string small locks or screwing up alpinist’s springs. Before you buy the springs you have to have a neckpiece made of piece of thick fur. Pass the neckpiece through the loop made by a master hand. Sacks for dogs are suitable only then when they are made so that the straps to enter into each other. Don’t buy and make saccks and neckpieces alone with put at fundamental places rivets and tacks. They are opening at a hit. Leading the pitbull with a muzzle is obligatory. The principle is that if you have a heard attack other person to take the dog back home. Don’t be lazy to put the dog a muzzle. It is a real kindness. Carrying it the pitbull is protected by real threatening its life threats. It cannot be poisoned and it couldn’t eat some decayed carcass found outside. The muzzles have to be deep. The dogs coll their selves through the mouth.
The pitbull in conjunction with competitive greyhounds (harriers) is the most energetically dog in the world. The lost of energy must be restored qualitatively. Keeping the normal physical temperature and the work of the whole living organism goes thanks to the energy released in the process of removing the fence of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Here are some facts. A measure of energy – a kilojawl (4.186 KJ=1kilocalorie). Removing the fence of a gram of proteins realizes about 17KJ, of a gram carbohydrates about 16KJ. One gram of fats gives you 38-39KJ. The dog can be more or less haevily, but the nature of the race with its characteristic physical and physiological characteristics (features) require more energy. If the daily rate for an adult (a grown-up) working dog is 5-6 grams (9 grams for the puppies) proteins for a kilogram of their weight, for a competetative pitbull it is double. The existing or added in the products mineral substances, vitamines and enzyms are obligatory for feeding. We all know that,but we don’t observe it almost or at all. The controlled, high – quality and balanced feeding is obligatory for all races, but for the hunting, working(officially) dogs it is a law.
Nutrition for your Pitbull
Full information about How to feed your Pitbull Dog
Not depending onbreeding the pitbull like a pet or on purpose, the special features of the breed pitbull you on obligation to suply its big energy with hihg-quality food , to concentrate it, direct it and relieve it through the process of a high-quality training regime. I’ll be direct. People breeding dogs, including pitbulls do not observe the unreservedly law. The dog eats meat. The Pitbull has to be fed up with fresh meat, as its daily ration is 2-3% percent of its weight. For example: a pitbull with a weight of 27 kilograms (domestic bedriddened) has sport weight 22-23 kg. Multiply it by 2-3% and you will get 440-700 grams of meat, which you have to suply it. If you can’t afford money for that quantity, separated in two, you better don’t take any dog, without mentioning a pitbull. The high quality fresh meat is an obligatory daily component from the capacity of food taken by the dog according to the size of the race and its function.
I say component because the dog will die if we feed it only with meat. The rest capacity of food must contains sonorous bread, rice, oat flakes, stewed vegetables with addition of vegetable and fish oil, brewer’s and bread’s yeast. Forget about the flowery advertisements of dressed up exhibition dogs racing (galoping) free through green meadows . You have got a pitbull, and there are sacks in your car which you fill with parts from death horses and donkeys. Your clothes are all in grease spots and the neighbourhood’s dogs are following you. Suspicioues neighbours are sniffing at your car boot and your wife is going to her mother’s home. You decide to cool your beer but for a long time there’s no place in the fridge for it. You have filled it up with haslets!By the way, I’ll give a wonderful (great) idea about the advertisement’s continuation(extension). If you don’t want your clothes to be full of grease spots and your wife not to go to her mother’s place just feed your pitbul with a picnic lunch.But its not the decision. Produced by famous firms (firms of repute) dry product had been made by white people,to save the time of other busy hastening white people and with the purpose of taking their money, which is the most normal thing in the world. You possess Performance Breed. You have to cook it. As you would be satisfied if instead of a delicious restoring your strengh piece of meat garnished with vegetables ( you have lunch only with dry bread poured with boiled water),the waiter put a picnic lunch in your dish and pour it with a boiled water from the fountain(tap), as your loyal pitbul would be sated. Of course the world famous producers make qualitative dry food and we may use it as an extra,giving capacity and satiety one. We can also use it as a basic food. But only when we are in a hurry or we are too much busy.
The pitbull in conjunction with competitive greyhounds (harriers) is the most energetically dog in the world. The lost of energy must be restored qualitatively. Keeping the normal physical temperature and the work of the whole living organism goes thanks to the energy released in the process of removing the fence of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Here are some facts. A measure of energy – a kilojawl (4.186 KJ=1kilocalorie). Removing the fence of a gram of proteins realizes about 17KJ, of a gram carbohydrates about 16KJ. One gram of fats gives you 38-39KJ. The dog can be more or less haevily, but the nature of the race with its characteristic physical and physiological characteristics (features) require more energy. If the daily rate for an adult (a grown-up) working dog is 5-6 grams (9 grams for the puppies) proteins for a kilogram of their weight, for a competetative pitbull it is double. The existing or added in the products mineral substances,vitamines and enzyms are obligatory for feeding. We all know that,but we don’t observe it almost or at all. The controlled, high – quality and balanced feeding is obligatory for all races, but for the hunting,working(officially) dogs it is a law.
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